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A Cooperative Service Provided by the Public Libraries In Jefferson County, Alabama.

Library Cards

  1. General
  2. New Cards
  3. College, Junior College, and Boarding Student Cards
  4. Business Cards
  5. Juvenile Cards
  6. Visitor and Temporary Cards
  7. Card Renewals

Library Cards

I. General

A. The JCLC library card is honored at any public library in Jefferson County. However, some electronic resources may not be accessible from outside the library or in other areas depending on licensing agreements.

B. Identification is needed for obtaining new, replacement, and renewed cards.

  1. Proper identification includes state-issued picture identification and a form of address verification.

  2. If patrons have no picture ID, alternate forms of ID may be acceptable.

C. Cards expire one year from issuance or renewal. Exceptions to this would include students and persons in shelters or temporary housing.

D. Signatures on library cards are optional.

E. Applications are to be filled out at the library in view of staff. "WILD" cards and "License to Read" program applications are exceptions.

II. New Cards

A. New (first-time) membership cards are available at no charge to residents of Jefferson County and citizens of municipalities with libraries in the Cooperative.

B. Any resident of the state of Alabama may purchase an out-of-county library card by visiting any member library and presenting proper identification. An annual nonrefundable fee of $50.00 is charged for an out-of county card.

C. Waiving of nonresident fees is a local decision to be made by the library board of each municipality.

  1. Libraries may waive part of the fee for persons who work in the respective library's city or who pay taxes in the city.

III. College, Junior College, and Boarding Student Cards

A. A college or junior college student may use a current student ID card to apply for a library card. Proof of address must be presented.

B. The student must live on campus, and the campus must be in Jefferson County. Proof of residency is required.

C. Boarding students at the Alabama School of Fine Arts must supply a notarized letter from the school.

D. The expiration date for students' library cards will be August 31.

E. The student's campus address will be used as the mailing address.

F. The student's home address will be used as the secondary address.

IV. Business Cards

A. Business cards are issued at no charge to businesses or agencies in Jefferson County.

B. Businesses that are located outside of Jefferson County will be required to pay the annual, nonresident fee of $50.00

C. Documentation for business memberships must include the following:

  1. A request for a business membership must be presented in writing on company letterhead.

  2. The presiding officer of the company must sign the request.

  3. A business application must be completed.

  4. The completed application must contain the names of the four (4) persons authorized to use the card. Whenever there is a change among these four (4) persons, a new letter is required.

  5. This process must be followed to renew the card. Card must be renewed like individual records.

V. Juvenile Cards

A. Juvenile library cards are issued under the following circumstances:

  1. Patrons under the age of 18 must have a parent or legal guardian present with a government-issued ID (passport, driver's license) and verification of current address in order to obtain card.

  2. The child must be present in order for a card to be issued in the child's name.

  3. If applicant is under 18, a parent or guardian is responsible for all materials borrowed on this card and must sign for the minor's card. This signature demonstrates approval of the minor receiving a library card and the understanding that the minor's library card can check out any materials housed within the JCLC Member Libraries' physical and electronic collections.  

VI. Visitor, Temporary, and eCards

A. Visitors from out of state may check out materials. To check out material, a visitor must make a cash deposit equal to the retail value of all material being checked out. Certain municipalities may make exceptions to this rule.

B. Residents in temporary shelters are limited in the number of items and type of materials that can be checked out, and by expiration dates. Expiration dates should be no more than the time specified in a letter from the shelter director.

C. An online application is available to apply for an eCard. This card is for the temporary use of the Cooperative's online resources. It is valid for one month. After one month, the patron must come in and follow the procedures to receive a full-service card. These cards are limited to residents of the state of Alabama.

VII. Card Renewals

A. All libraries must update any county resident's JCLC card.

B. Fines and other application problems must be cleared before a card can be renewed.

C. The patron's information must be verified and updated at renewal (and at other times when the patron record is accessed).

D. Out-of-County card holders must pay an annual, nonrefundable library card fee of $50.00. They must be a resident of the state of Alabama

All contents copyright ©1995- Jefferson County Library Cooperative 2100 Park Place, Birmingham, Alabama 35203 All rights reserved.